
Showing = collecting?

It seems that some people buy tack and new models only because they show. And the opposite example is that some people don't buy tack or high quality horses because they don't show.

This post may contain slightly provocating writing and one-sided view. I'm no way against the people whose ideology I talk about here - we're just different. So please don't rip your nerves off in case it's possible. 

I ask, why not to buy tack, if you don't show? Is there something wrong in it? If everything should correlate with showing, be it halter or performance, wouldn't that mean that all the fun goes... off? Some hobbyists really say they don't buy tack because they don't show their horses. I personally can NOT understand this logic.

Of course, it's fine if someone wants to just collect horses and not buy tack. It's really okay. Most of us are more interested and focused on the horses alone. I would like to collect and make more horses as well, but that is not possible... But at least I can make tack. And dolls.

A bridle which works and so on. Made it just for fun and my own materialism.

But my point was that I have no idea why you should stop collecting tack BECAUSE you don't SHOW your horses.

I have never showed my models, and I own a huge pile of tack. I make practically all of it myself, with some exceptions. I want to improve and become a professional in both tackmaking and also sculpting and painting. I use dolls and want to make them ride well, if a certain doll has to. My goal is to be able to make and assemble something which would look like it was in full scale. Why do I do this, you ask?

I need to buy another box for my saddles...

Simply because it is what model horse hobby is about. It is not about showing, it is about the horses, the tack, the props, the dolls, the realism and setups. It's hobbying. Showing is just one part of it, and not everyone does it. Just like not everyone collects tack, let alone makes any. Showing is not the only purpose of collecting horses and tack, though I can understand why someone finds it more motivating than just... collecting because of collecting.

But I still don't understand why people refuse to buy tack, with the argument of "not needing it because not showing". Hey - you don't need the showing itself either (if we look at it from the scientific view)!

Great tack doesn't go to waste if it wasn't made or collected for performance showing.

Another bridle which I made just for fun. Everything works and is removable just because I want it to be so. I tacked this horse (who I originally bought because he matches to a horse I once met in a dream) up just to complete the doll seat checking session (was trying to find matching saddles for each) that I documented.

And the horses. Why can't you buy an excellent piece of art just to enjoy it yourself and feel the happiness of owning it? Why has everyone else to be able to see it? Why do you choose a model because you want it to win, and not because it "speaks for you"? Honestly, one should collect horses with the emotional and personal interest being the first and most important factor in buying it. Great model horses don't go to waste if they aren't showed. An artist isn't and should not be angry or sad if you can't let everyone see that magnificent piece of art; it's yours, no one else HAS to see it.

I collect and (try to) make great horses because I like them, and they match to my criterias what I have for model horses; anatomically realistic and tack friendly. I also make my tack as good as possible because I like tack and want to have it for my horses. It also adds some detail and interest to my photos, let alone using dolls. Without all that "performance" stuff I would not photograph my models that much, or at all. And I have never taken any photos with shows in mind. I have never bought or made anything with showing in mind...

Tilda would no way win anything in shows, be it halter or perf, and her sculpting style is very rough. Yet she already developed a little crack at the right foreleg (you can see it above the knee). But dammit, I honestly like her face - she is my next completed OSC ever, and I honestly wasn't expecting her head to turn out even that well! (Meanwhile the rest of the entire horse is practically trash...)

(One thing is that here are no shows in my country, and while I - in theory - would participate in international photo shows, I simply have never felt large interest towards it. If showing was the only reason to hobby model horses, why would I hobby at all at home then? I still wish I was able to buy - and paint! - those expensive traditional scale resins, and all this simply because I like them so much. My only problem is that they're really expensive and my painting skills wouldn't do any justice for them.)

I bought this old dude used, and was aware of the fact that he was a great victim for customizing. Eventually I just found out he wasn't in that bad condition at all for my standards, so I was able to have him in my collection the way he already was and is. I don't mind some little scratches.

It's enough that you like it and want to have it. There is no need for other excuses.

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