A collection page for anyone interested. Contains photos of customs and paintjobs. I also do tack but will keep it out of this page for now.
(Page rewritten in 8/4/21.)
Will tell the model name first, then the nickname which the horse goes with in my collection. Official names I don't bother to add, but they exist.
Breyer traditional: Cortes C "Vissy", Sam "Killi", Heartland High Tech "Symppy", Lil' Ricky Rocker "Dreamy", Babyflo "Windy", GG Valentine & Heartbreaker "Namu & Dani", Brunello "Lanttu", Valegro "Repa", Slick by Design "Okay", Secretariat "Cage", Verdades "Rispu", Celestine "Katti", Roy the Belgian "Limppu", Roemer "Ludi", Khemosabi "Ripe", Voyeur "Rusina", Minstrel "Ruska", Sgt. Reckless "Ronja", Buckeye "Morello", Catch Me "Maksi", Harley "Skippi", Enzo "Aldemir", Winx "Tassu", Yuletide Greetings "Seppo", Brookside Pink Magnum "Munni", Vicki Wilson's Kentucky, Thunder "Laulaja", Peptoboonsmal, Nazruddin, PVF Peace of Mind, the 70'th Anniversary appaloosa Indian Pony. Plus bodies.
Breyer classic: The "Pony Power" family set; grullo Black Beauty "Afore", chestnut Haflinger mare "Moodi" and Haflinger foal "Thpugh". War Admiral (MOW mold). Plus bodies.
MODELS - CM (from SM to trad):
I haven't customized much
stablemates, if any, since my beginning years in the hobby, but I've got a little OF collection. An exception and my pearls are these paint kit horses I got from Kave!
Formosus Ningor "Ninksu" (Breyer G2 warmblood), a red bay warmblood stallion. Painted by Kave in 2018. |
Chocolate in the Ballroom "Pallero" (G2 Andalusian), a dark bay/sunfaded black andalusian stallion. Painted by Kave in 2019. | |
Far From Freezing Feb Fixes "Torsti", my NaMoPaiMo model for 2021. Acrylics. My first stablemate paintjob since forever.
I've customized mostly in little bit scale due to how easy Schleichs are to find and cut into pieces. Some of these can (especially when I finish my yet unfinished victims) be a bit drastic, too. For resculpting I use airdry clays (not epoxy) and acrylic paints, plus Vallejo matta varnish.
Firster, a brown newforest pony mare. Was my very first repaint and also first repaint-repaint (Somewhere in 2010). |
Tulipallo, a chestnut suffolk punch stallion that is fat. Was one of my three very first customs but got re-customized in 2017 (originally a percheron stally). |
Juustis, a palomino finnhorse mare. Finished in 2017, made from the Schleich lusitano mare. |
Nuudeli, a flaxen red chestnut finnhorse mare, Juustis' daughter. Finished in 2017, made from the good old Schleich dressage hannover mare. Her color is one of my favorites and also traditionally typical to the finnhorse breed. |
Le, a stylized buckskin(?) iberian stallion. Customized from Safari WC lipizzaner in 2013? |
Töpö, a black pinto mixbreed stallion. Finished in 2014 and was formerly a Schleich QH stallion. |
Clyde, a bay sabino heavy draft gelding. Finished in 2017 and is a 'bettered' version of the weird Schleich Clydesdale gelding. |
Jippo, a bay pinto falabella gelding. Finished in 2016? and was made for a tutorial to help beginner customizers to start, hence his simpliness. |
Suikkeli, a flaxen dark chestnut finnhorse gelding (too hairy to be a gelding I guess). Made from a Schleich lipizzaner gelding and finisned in 2017. |
Savage Maisto, a very dark bay standardbred mare that has no good time. Done in 2017 and was once a Schleich trakehner mare (newer). |
Sir Vederin "Veturi", a grey draft gelding that's old and weakening. Made in 2017 from the newer Schleich clydesdale gelding. |
Earl, a blueish black friesian stallion. CM Schleich standing friesian, January 2019. |
Koppis, a flaxen liver chestnut finnhorse gelding. CM Schleich tennessee walker gelding, January 2019. (I'm definitely going to fix those clay edges somehow...) |
Not So Black, a... chestnut(?) draft stallion. CM Schleich tinker stallion (newer), March 2020. |
Puzzleface, a chestnut friesian cross mare. CM Schleich friesian mare (newer), March 2020 (waited a year to get painted!). |
A yet nameless palomino warmblood mare. CM Schleich trakehner mare, March 2020. |
Traditional scale customs and original sculptures. My customs in this scale are yet only made from toys, but there should be some Breyer based works in the future too.
Raaskis Ratketa "Raaste", a flaxen red chestnut finnhorse gelding. Finished in 2017, made from some large Barbie horse. He's my biggest horse in this scale now, and also heaviest (he's filled with airdry clay!), and also my only trad. finnhorse. Quite glad to have him dome though, because every Finnish stable needs a finnhorse. |
Rollo, a chestnut sabino TWH gelding. Made from a toy horse in 2017. |
Spilled Ink, a black splashed QH stallion. Made from a Blue Ribbon QH, started in about 2010 and finished in 2017, being my first ever finished traditional scale custom. |
Passmore, a dark bay splashed white draft/pony -cross gelding. OSC model horse (pony...? He's VERY small...) I made in April 2019, being my very first OSC to finish. |
Blue Tears, a blue roan + sabino-like white patterning... mare. She has no breed to mention, since it's fictional and this one is a good example of how horrific conformation her breed has. OSC model horse (though very small pony size, just like Passmore too) I finished in April 2019. |
Tack can be found from my other blog, Visualrat... (Just to let you know - my tack galleries will lack the newer works.)
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