
Hello! Here you can learn about Kave!

"Ykkönen" who is almost a mascot to my collection, I feel like he knows me well... 

Name: Kave or Sonja
Age: 20, born in 2000
Interests: pumik, metal music, modelhorses
Where you can find me: from instagram @silminmaalatuinmodels from Model Horse Blab under name Kave, from my finnish blog Silmin Maalatuin...
Other things: I am an organizing freak!

General information

I am Kave, a 20-year old woman. I live with my mom, her husbad and our five dogs. I am definitely before anything pumi-crazy! I like a lot of dogs, but the breed pumi is very special one to me. I breed them and I have dedicated my life to the breed. I train canine freestyle and heelwork to music (dog dance!) with my dogs and show them a lot. I am also interested in other dog sports such as nose work and obedience, I train what I feel like training and my dogs love it all.

When I am not spending my time with something pumi-related I am doing modelhorse-stuff. I love long walks in the nature. I love all animals on the face of Eartha and get excited seeing just any animal.

I am an organizing freak. I can watch pictures of containers and other organizing stuff for hours. Yes, I am just that crazy.

I am vegan, an absolutist and love taking things to the extreme. I feel that rules for ourselves make us happier rather than restrict us. I am not the best with other people in general, but am always open to new modelhorse friends!


This has been a hobby to me for half my life. I started at the age of 10 and have been in the hobby since. Modelhorses have only taken more and more over my life with time. I do almost everything you can do with models, or at least plan to do. I customize, repaint (with pigments!), make tack...

I love challenging myself and learning something new at all times. I live by the mentality that if you practice you can achieve anything!

Some progress

My collection is about 300 models of all kinds. I have breyers (traditionals, classics, stablemates), schleich, collecta, papo... I have all kinds of animals from horses, to cows, to elephants. I love all animals so I have a wide variety in my collection. I also have repaints, some not-so-realistic "OSC's" and customs.

Some tack I made for Afuze


My first repaint

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