
Guest post: 1 + 1 = 2 - or how to breed plastic horses

This blog suffers from some silence, so I (Afuze) have started to think about guest writers. So, I asked if my Swedish friend, Decors, could write an info article about model horse breeding, which she hobbies with a long experience. She agreed, and here's the article for everyone to read! Thank you, Decors! (All the models and photos are hers.)

Izadora D (mule mare) & Looks Like A Lady D (Swedish warmblood mare).


Pedigree assignment is a cheap but very entertaining (and addictive) part of the model horse hobby that also can teach you many other things as you go, not just about different breeds, their special traits and history but about color genetics as well. It seems like many times model horse ‘breeders’ know more about the genetics than some real horse breeders. (Not always of course, but I've seen numerous examples of this).

For many non-hobbyists the Pedigree assignment part of the hobby is where they get confused even if they are accepting of the collecting part. Pieces of plastic can't breed right? Although us collectors can probably beg to differ since we know how models suddenly - out of nowhere I swear! - seem to multiply on the shelf and in cabinets. We didn't just buy ANOTHER model did we? No, nope - never! I don't know anything about that - move along...

The beginning...

We all have probably played “herd” or “family” with our models (or Hong Kong copy horses). One could say that pedigree assignment is like that but a step more towards realism than just “make believe”. As with many model horse things, pedigree assignment started in the USA, I've been told, around the late 1960-70ies. In Sweden (where I live) it was well established in the mid 1980's (but on a smaller scale). Due to the era of no internet, pedigree research (for real horses) was slower as it wasn't as easy to access to information as it is today. In the USA the lists of available sires and dams were offered by actual lists on paper from a model horse magazine (that was advertised in JAH) and you requested them by mail. A breeding fee of around 10 cents was often set for the right to use the horse/s (and you had to cover postage for a certificate back). A common source were also stud ads in horse magazines. 

Most model horse collectors don't seem to see it as strange to name that piece of plastic you have on your shelf, nor to give an age, breed and gender to it - the latter being often the most easy and obvious part. Especially not if you regularly show your model at liveshows (and photoshows). Many times it's nicer, I think, to have a name to refer to rather than “third bay to the left, on the Giselle mold, released as GG Valentine”. But what about the next step? Giving your model horse a family as well? So letting your horse be a part of a family tree can be loads of fun. You can get started in one of two ways - or simply use both :)


Diantha D, a dutch warmblood mare.

How-To - matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match

Here is a short little list that you can follow (if you like of course) when you add a pedigree to your model horse.

  1. Determine the color

  2. Assign the breed

  3. Note the gender

  4. Find a sire and a dam

  5. Assign age

  6. Put a name on it!

Determine the color

The most easy part. You look at the model if it's a OF or a readymade custom to be able to say what color the model is. If it's a blank resin or if you are planning to repaint the plastic model your options are more open. If you paint the model yourself, be sure to use good and clear reference pictures, especially when it comes to patterns like tobiano or appaloosa. Don't make things up and “invent” stuff. Take time doing research as people are more likely to want to use your models as parents for their own models. It's also good if you are planning to show the model on shows.

There are certain laws of genetics that apply to horse color and you should be familiar with the basics of these, so that you can choose parents that will be the most likely to produce a horse the color of your model. It is however NEVER a must to start out doing (and knowing) all of the genetic codes! However it can help to understand how some colors work and what can lay hidden only to pop up when that gene meets another hidden gene (ie a so-called recessive trait). An easy way to pick parents that fit to the color of your horse (ie ‘it's possible that these horses could be my horse's parents’.) is that your horse is of a color that one of its parents has. 

Genetics are another of my favorite subjects so I won't go into depth on it here. But one that is easy to remember, chestnut + chestnut = always chestnut. If the (real) foal would come out in another color, the sire is wrong or one of the horses is masking its true color (like a silver bay).


Leo's Country Cat of Décorima, a pony cross (Swedish riding pony & British spotted pony) mare.

Assign the breed

What about the breed then? Many times this is an easy box to check. When it comes to OFs (Breyer in this example) they are often released as a set breed. But what if you don't want to have your model as the breed it's released as - then you need to start to do some research.

Take the Newsworthy mold, and the model #9170 Connemara with loose mane (was also released with a braided mane) that was part of “Best of the British” series. The mold itself was made to look like Newsworthy (hence the name), that was a Welsh Pony/Thoroughbred cross. When I look at the model it is definitely a pony for me, but pretty open what type of pony it can be (a good thing!) The model was released as a Connemara but could go as a range of different british pony breeds. Personally I would have this particular model (9170) as a New Forest. The color (bay) works out for the breed, but in the picture I have it could very well also work as a buckskin - a color that also works for the breed I would like it to be. More on that below.


Rolex D, a holsteiner stallion.

Note the gender

This might be an odd box to check, you might think? But! There are actually some breeds where the gender (especially stallions) limit what color it can be (or have markings) even if it sounds strange. If you don't really care about showing your models this might be one of those boxes you would ignore - BUT - if you show and have a horse with a “non-permitted” color - your horse might be disqualified because of this! 

Some examples of Allowed - and Not Allowed colors/markings:

    Shire horse: Black, bay. Sooty, flaxen, grey, sabino present. Some bay and black shires can have grey/flaxen hairs in mane/tail. In England blue eyes are not allowed. Chestnut is approved in America while it's not allowed on stallions in England or Sweden. Australia allows chestnuts on geldings. In America there is a line with creme colored horses. Big white spots on the body and a lot of roaning is marked down in the showring.

    New Forest pony: Black, chestnut, bay. Grey, creme (not “double” creme) present. Palomino is not allowed on (stud approved) stallions.

    Fjord horse: Black, chestnut, bay. ALWAYS in combination with dun. Creme present. Small white markings are allowed on the head (like a small star) but not desired.

A tip on the research of color is to go to the breed society’s page (that you want your model to be) and read on what colors are allowed. If it is a horse that allows other different breeds to be crossed in one can assume (but always double check) that the colors of all breeds used are allowed.


Lady Carrick D, an Irish sporthorse mare.

Find a sire and a dam

The most common way to start is to simply give your model horse real parents - meaning using real horses as a sire and dam. The most simple way is to look in studbooks (either actual RL ones or online). If you do this you need to look up a few things for it to be as accurate as possible, the most important thing is that both parents need to have been alive at the time when you want your horse to have been born, and that there would have been a chance (even if slim) that the parents could have been bred together. So, no breeding Ruffian to Man o’ War is possible - sorry. The most hardcore even track down a mare's full offspring list to make sure she didn't have a real foal that year, that she was barren or that the real foal died. However, that is not a requirement.

The other way - that is much easier and you don't have to do too much digging - is to look up other people's “Sire and Dam lists” (or S/D-lists). Many times people have a rules section that you should look through, but usually it's a short list that says you shouldn't use the listed horses as parents without permission, real genetic rules should be followed, foals born out of the mares should carry the mare owners stud name and not yours (since you didn't breed it) etc. 

Some have a rule that all foals need to have a model body while others are fine with it just being a DO (Details Only, i.e. lacking having a model). Many times we see the perfect match but we have yet to get the perfect model for just that pairing - or we just want that particular bloodline.


Elvira, an Austrian-Hungarian white baroque donkey jenny.

Assign age

There is no need to have an actual foal model for the “foal” you create. That is the best part with model horse breeding. Just wave that invisible wand and the “foal” is an adult. You can even do so called “backbreeding” and breeding for a horse born “years back”. There is also something that is called “historical breeding”. Then you often want to bring back a color that due to “fashion” has become what one could call extinct in the breed, such as spotted Lippizaner horses. There was a time when they were both appaloosa spotted and tobiano colored. Even if they don't exist today in the breed, you could still breed the color forward til today. This of course takes good research! To save you some time you can also check what others have when it comes to parents.


Yvette of Décorima, a Swedish riding pony mare.

Put a name on it!

The most FUN part in my book! When it comes to my own models and pedigrees I always try to follow if there is a certain name tradition, whether it is to name the foal by the starting letter of sire if it is a colt, and the mothers if it's a filly. Other breeds have a certain naming letter for each year, or a limited number of letters you can use for a name, like for a thoroughbred a name can only be 18 letters including spaces and punctuation marks. Many also suggest naming the horse with names coming from the country of origin. Like the Swedish Gotland pony ‘should’ be given a swedish/scandinavian name to be ‘true’ to the breed. And to bring up the Lippizaner again, they are named by the sireline and then adding the mothers name when it come to stallion, for example this one (that belongs to me): 

Conversano V Spectacular (Conversano V Angyl x Spectacular - Pluto Valera IV)

His sire line is called “Conversano V”, his mom is named Spectacular and she is by a stallion from another sire line Pluto Valera IV. His dam was named Valera and probably had more foals by a Pluto line stallion hence the IV in the numbering system. 

    Following all these different naming traditions are of course NOT a must either, it's entirely up to you but in my eyes it's another thing that makes it more realistic.


Decorimas Gräll, a Gotland pony stallion.

Gains - it's not just about the family

So why do you do all this work? I've spent many hours and days doing my research on both the breeds, the colors and the horses within a breed to get the best family tree I can give a piece of plastic. For me, giving your horse a pedigree also gives you an educational link to the real horseworld when it comes to researching famous bloodlines and horse color genetics.

If you want to allow your model horses to be sires or dams, you should first make a list of all the horses that you will be allowing others to use – this is your sire and dam list. On it, you should list the model’s name, its parents (also grandparents if you wish), its age or date foaled, its breed and sex, a description of the model (color, markings, make), and the years you are allowing the model to have foals. 


K'awiil D, a Swedish warmblood stallion.

Why - My own story

Why does one do this? Well, as with many other things you do - the simple answer is that you do it because you enjoy it and think it's fun! Why else would you do something? Not for the sake of someone else at least. It was in a way thanks to pedigree research - but on real horses - that made me come in contact with the model horse hobby in early summer of 2001. I was at first adamant that I was ONLY going to have Swedish warmbloods and Swedish riding ponies. Absolutely NO arabians or thoroughbreds. Yeah... 20 years later I have roughly 34 breeds... and yes... That includes arabians and thoroughbreds. My most recent additions are fantasy horses such as unicorns and pegasi models. And on top of that I also started to make decorators, horses that are perhaps painted in glitter or any other special paint. Fantasy and the so-called decorator models are a whole other story to my collection :)

Pedigree assignment, or model breeding, is not for everybody because it can be very time consuming, but it can definitely add an interesting dimension to the hobby if you choose to do it. I’d be happy to help you out if you have more questions.

Oh - did I tell you how many nice people you come in contact with as well?


Models I need

I'm not going to list Breyers I want to buy, but criterias I use to choose them to the cart instead. 

I don't go by "this looks cute, I want it" when it comes to getting new horses. That kind of logic can serve if you just collect horses and show halter, don't care about tack or performance stuff and so on, to put it roughly. If I was that kind of collector, I could already have bought models with a lot of mane, like Carltonlima Emma or the Gypsy Vanner. I like, like them a lot - but they are not tack friendly, so I've skipped. And why do I want only tack friendly horses? 

A lot of mane, but still tack friendly.

I build a modelverse, and my horses must fit in it. They're tools of storymaking to me. Okay, they have also a lot of sentimental value and appeal as itself and themselves, but I really do want them to be tack friendly for the modelverse purposes. And that is not the only aspect to take into account. 

Color is also one thing to pay attention to. And why? I'm not a person who cares that much about what my animals look like, for example cats and dogs; color doesn't matter and it doesn't make the pet better or worse. Why with model horses then? Well, there are realistic and unrealistic colors. I'm mostly into realism. My modelverse is located in Finland, and I want to loosely portray this country's horse culture in it. I think most horses in Finland are of base colors and not very strikingly marked, though this doesn't mean unusual visuals don't exist. They simply aren't as common as in USA, for example. So to put it short, I want colors which are the most realistic to find from one stable. 

Overkill, my first Breyer bay, with his rider Rämä... And some seriously outdated tack.

Second aspect about color is that I simply like the solid colors best, and base colors almost even more than dilutes. Bays are pretty and come in numerous shades. Why could I want a leopard pattern on it, hiding the delicious dappling, counter-shading or sootiness? I'm a weird person in a sense that I don't like spots. Heh. I avoid pintos and leopard complex if I can, but sometimes I can't. That is why I have some spotty horses. Though, sometimes my decision is helped by the fact that I also try to modelize my dream horses, alias horses I've met during sleep. It explains Dreamy. 


I don't really hate any color, but the least interesting I can name is the frame overo pinto. Maybe it is due to how similar they look to some incorrectly patterned toy horses which are everywhere, and whose errors I've always been too aware of. They also are visually close to examples of "nice" colorations which are designed on paper by people who have zero idea about genetics and how white markings on animals actually work.

Molds. This is partially same as the tack friendliness. Some molds I just like and want to have a sample of. In my collecting criteria, mold comes always first and color only second. Or then color is one of the last aspects to care of... 

I wanted a sample of this mold, so bought a black with a blanket since it was the only option. I like him.

Breeds. Finland doesn't really have any(?) morgans, saddlebreds, tennessee walkers, american shetlands, and who knows how many other breeds which are normal in USA (obviously because they originate from there). We DO have a lot of quarters, some appaloosas and various other breeds, and occasionally one can stumble upon something rare. I'm not sure if I have ever met an arab? The most common breeds here are probably light trotters (especially standardbred), warmbloods, finnhorses and various pony breeds. 

The breeds is one fact I've allowed myself to lose control of, what comes to accuracy. My modelverse isn't a copy of the real world anyway; otherwise my dolls could be humans instead of anthro animals. I like when it's mine and recognizable as such. The Aspenly Stable can therefore have a friesian-appaloosa cross, a morgan, a show type arabian, a mangalarca, a marwari... Okay, that friesian-appaloosa could be realistic, just not expectable here. And oh, yes, some crosses I cook up are rather wild! And the fact that Aspenly Stable happens to have a 171 cm tall finnhorse, which couldn't be that common (but is possible!) in real finnhorses. 

Though, the most unrealistic find in here is the mosteasy horse. That breed simply doesn't exist, because I designed it. 

You can clearly see that I've never understood how limbs of any kind should be sculpted.

Anatomy. Still about the molds, sculpts and tack friendliness. I'm an anatomy dork, maybe due to being a horse artist for so long. I stopped collecting Schleich due to how their sculpting style changed from nice to ugly. Breyers vary in anatomical accuracy, but often even the rough ones are way better than any Schleich has ever been. This is why I collect Breyers and not Schleichs. (Now stop glaring at me with bad face, all the 150-200 Schleichs I have - you're not coming out of those plastic tubs!)

There also is just something in these older, rough molds which pleases my eye. I see their errors, but they're still lovely.

Gender. I want geldings and mares. An occasional stallion here and there is okay, but it's not realistic if one stable has ten stallions and they get along perfectly, or behave ideally. Many Breyer's stallion molds look like they could be geldings as well... I've seen stallions who behave so perfectly, but that simply is not the case in most times. And let's face it - a random horse owner usually doesn't have excuses to not geld their stallion! (However, harness racing stables can have several stallions by norm. I've seen. But Breyer doesn't produce trotters and Aspenly Stable is not a harness racing stable!)

I was positively surprised when I found out that Thunder is a gelding!

Versatility. This definitely is a thing also American performance showers pay attention to. It's nice to be able to say that horse X can do dressage, pull a carriage, be a lesson pony, be a forest walk companion, can be a therapy animal, climb up walls and change firealarms which scream due to low batteries.

Expression and position. Also gait. Even when a mold is tack friendly, I look at it's position and facial expression. Forward-pointing ears are cute and also allow tack better than other positions, but they can also make the horse appear too friendly in personality. I myself always sculpt horses with ears flattened or otherwise pointing elsewhere. 

I've practiced drawing and painting stressed horses a lot, and it finally shows.

For some reason, I've found out that horses with their heads up can be a bit problematic, when they're otherwise in a walking position. Such models don't make good "performance models", so to say. Or then they look distracted or something, just not logical for most scenes. They have their place, though. 

Offhand and Okay.

Ordinariness. Aspenly Stable is a slightly unusual riding school or a stable where people keep their pet horses. I think show stables don't exist in my country, or then internet (and my camera and eyes) is lying at me. Most people in this country (or world) do not show or compete with their horses, and more often than not the horse is not in a perfect condition and sheen what comes to muscle and coat. 

Limppu. This model looks rather real despite being old and rough.

We can oddly get back to the molds here... I recently figured out the difference between old molds (especially those by Chris Hess) and newer molds - oldies portray normal horses, while the newer ones portray perfect or ideal horses. I don't know why this phenomenon exists and if anyone else pays attention to it, but I think it's clear. Many Hess' horses are rough and sometimes weird, but they also look like your everyday pet horse. They're realistic in that sense. Newer molds may be nice in their own way, like being magnificently flashy or something, which I agree do look great (and artistic). But for a person who wants average looking horses for miniature world purposes, many Hess molds win over several newer molds. 

So flashy.

Maybe this is why I am so happy about some of my horses, for example Namu, who is by Brigitte Eberl. And while Eberlians go to the flashy category at times, they mostly do so because of the training level they portray, and not so much because of exaggerated amount of muscle and mane. That's not bad, really. Some of my dolls can handle such horses.


Wonder what's coming next? I personally hope that I could at least post something soon enough.


The art of overcomplexifying everything

I decided to write this text because, let's be straight, I'm getting bored at the fact that I struggle to keep things simple, compact and short, and I never seem to finish anything (read: blog texts). I will now list some things I am or have and which affect my blogging.

The cat is from Kave, then croc, penguin and laptop came from Lahjakas, the easel was also bought, and I don't know the history of that flowerpot which serves as a seat. The rest is made by me.

I am a perfectionist. Posting a blogtext takes forever, because I don't want to publish them before they're the quality I want.

I am autistic. I got the Asperger's syndrome diagnosed when I was 13, I guess it was 2008. I think that due to my autism I have a habit to think everything the complex and more logical and scientific way that people who don't have this. I analyze, I ponder, I draw images and maps in my head, I think how this and this correlates with that and why and how and what started it. And more often than not it goes out of hand. 

I've made this kind of bridles into functioning 1:9 scale miniatures. I call them fightmore.

I have ADD. It basically means that I struggle to focus on boring things - like applying millions of layers of one color so that the transparent becomes a new color layer. Of course there's also much more than that. But patience, while normally can be achieved by stubbornness, just doesn't come that way for an ADD person. It's like AD/HD but without the... H. 

I am depressed. I think it was diagnosed a couple years ago, or before the pandemic went crazy globally. There have been easier and worse phases, and this disorder is one of the biggest explanations to my current struggle to make art. It's annoying, but I can't do much for it. Do you know what it feels like, when you read about mental issues for ages, and then randomly find out that you do suffer from them as well? It's an absurd experience, but ah so useful what comes to accuracy in pessimistic storywriting.

I have zero patience (depending on thing). Check the ADD paragraph. But this is exactly why I haven't been that much into hair-by-hair coloring on model horses, haven't done much dapples ever and overall don't care that much about really complex colors. I also don't add as much detail to anything as I wish I could. It just isn't possible. 

Drawing on paper is a different story then. I can hone and detail a doodle for hours and not lose my interest towards working on it.

I can make simple things sound overly complex. Check my animal doll tutorial. Or snaffle bit tutorial. None of those are complex, but I make them sounds like that. Apologies, but that's very unlikely to change ever.

I overthink and overanalyze, count "what if"s. This is why I struggle with opinion texts and rants. I love the idea of those, and writing them, but I haven't actually published that much of them. Should I? How many readers are going to throw their computers (or smartphones - hooray!) into a wall if I let them read my harsh and blunt opinion texts? (Didn't you just read my secret opinion about smartphones...?) I want to figure this thing out especially, because I and Kave want to post them more than anything. We want to bring up conversation topics, and sugar-coating is not an option.

I don't double check, I double-double-double-triple check. This means that I'm going to through-read a text at least twice before I publish it. It's not that fun really, and I struggle to through-read with thought,  except when I should focus on everything else. 

You didn't expect this photo. Haha!

I have zero idea what I am doing, more than I just have an idea about what it can be about. This applies to everything. I also believe it is why I have no idea if I've written enough; when to say the text is finished and ready for publishing. How do you everyone else know that?

I hate the fact that I can't lay interest on more than a few narrow topics at once, on one phase. A phase means a time which I can't tell the length of. When an autistic person has a special interest, it often dominates their attention and life for a certain phase, which can last from hours to decades. My oldest passion have been dinosaurs - I've hobbied them my entire life. And my passion to horses started when I was about seven, then it lasted to 2011 or so and eventually modified into the less crazy level (doesn't mean I could not be a horse crazy still...). Examples of short or occasionally repeating interest phases could be this and that animal group (like once pinnipeds - for a few hours) or something else biology-related. 

The childhood me could have freaked our due to excitement if saw this - or learned that they can have dinos like this once they grow up.

Speaking of passions and special interests, one of mine are rats. This isn't a surprise to everyone, I guess? Unless you're a first time reader? I've been crazy about rats since 2007 when we got real ones, and that also is why and when I started drawing them (and got really serious about that in 2011). And because I'm a model horse dork, I also naturally became a model rat dork. I think we're a rare breed. 

Long story short, I struggled to find a nice way to make tiny rats until 2014, when I learned what silk clay and foam clay are, and figured out a logical simplified sculpting technique. Making my own rats has been a big thing to me personally, because I'm really picky about realism, and rat models aren't very common - let alone accurately sculpted ones. After figuring out how to make thumb rats I was able to gain a massive rat collection. Only a minority of my rats are factory made or sculpted by someone else.

Most of these are by myself, but seven thumbies (behind the rainbow ones) and the tiny dragon are by Kave. And that black rat on top of the taller container is by an IRL friend.

Lately I've also been really much into genetics, especially color genetics. I've been inventing totally unreal colors and their genetics for my fictional rats (not only clay rats, but also characters). This got kicked even further when I recently started to do teamwork with my Swedish hobby friend Decors, who I probably brainwashed into making clay rats. (Ooops.) I love pondering these and playing with ideas and writing standards. 

But, suddenly I had a problem in my hands: I had way too many colors to identify, name and describe, yet I should figure out how they are related to each other, how one can breed them, what kind of modifiers exist and all that. And more. I like complex things and science, but this sudden flood of new things to think and write is just too much. It's overwhelming me. Yet I struggle to read certain genetics terms, while I can understand the colors and map their tracks in my mind just fine. I can't explain this in any way, it's so abstract but also so logical to me personally. I understand recessive, dominant, heterozygous and homozygous. But I can't get what a locus is. I also don't remember much about epigenesis, what I read about years ago... 

Don, a rex coated reddish brown "halves-l" buck.

Ulla, a red flame doe.

Horse colors are more or less easy to understand, I think. At least most basics and dilutions, since I've read about them for so long already. Actually, I'm using some horse color genetics as a base to correctly model some of these entirely fictional rat color genetics I am cooking up here. 

I really don't know why my brain can't grasp some things, no matter how much I try. I'm a visual person, so maybe that has something to do with how I learn genetics as well. (When I think how the cream gene in horses does work, I always combine and repeat visual images of the actual colors in my mind, instead of trying to write it. And when I read about these things, I visualize them in my mind meanwhile.)

So, have I now written enough? How should I determine that? 

I know I'm not the only one who plays with their own works before sending it away... And don't worry, I made a braided rope to match the halter after taking this photo.


I'm terrible at writing end words for a blogtext. Argh.